MilePost Media is a creative/production house in Portland, Oregon, specializing in clever and compelling digital video content. When it comes to entertaining and connecting with people, we believe the best strategy is usually the simplest. We think, but we do not overthink. We like to get things done without involving a cast of millions.
We don’t have a big office with ping pong, air hockey and a tapped keg (though we enjoy all of the above) and we wear shoes to work. We listen actively, we research thoroughly, and we strategize passionately.
MilePost Media works with you to deliver completely original and authentic brand experiences. We help you rethink your place in the competitive landscape and then use that fresh perspective to create compelling, message-focused visuals that spark action. Partnering with top digital deployment companies, we take that content and put it to work sensibly, seamlessly and successfully.
We believe that hearts and minds are won when people feel something real. This is your story. Let us tell it.